Does Being Attractive Equal Good Grades In College?

Scientists have long known that appearance can ensure a person’s success, and academic grades are no exception. Nevertheless, the nature of this “beauty reward” is not entirely clear. One version says that it is a consequence of the preferences to which people are prone, while another suggests that beautiful people are simply often more confident, which, in turn, may have a positive effect on some of their achievements.

Researchers from Lund University (Sweden) decided to test how the grades of students who are more attractive in appearance change under different modes of study – full-time and distance learning. To do this, they analyzed their academic achievements before the pandemic and during distance learning. 

How the study was conducted

A total of 307 industrial engineering students were sampled. To sort them by attractiveness, the authors of the study asked an independent panel of 74 people to rate the students’ physical appearance on a ten-point scale based on their photographs.

The authors divided the subjects these students studied into two groups – one where there was little personal interaction between the instructor and students (i.e., it was mostly written), and one where there was a lot of personal interaction (i.e., there was group work, oral presentations, and so on). Researchers have suggested that it is the second type of course that is more characterized by unequal treatment of students because of their outward attractiveness or unattractiveness. Simply put, it is more likely that someone gets a high grade just for having pretty eyes.

Results of the study

Beginning their analysis with full-time grades, the researchers did notice a correlation between academic performance and physical appearance. As expected, this was only true for courses that had a lot of face-to-face interaction. The more attractive girls and guys got higher grades there.

During the period of distance learning the marks of beautiful female students in the same disciplines became worse. That is, the factor of personal attractiveness ceased to matter. But the most interesting thing is that the handsome guys did not see a decrease in their grades, they continued to demonstrate high academic results.

Why is that? Researchers explain it by the fact that attractive girls are overrated by teachers, but their own sense of beauty does not seem to affect their behavior in the intellectual sphere. But for guys, their self-confidence because of their looks seems to affect their intellectual behavior as well. According to experts, popularity caused by attractiveness allows them to be more open and relaxed, and these qualities, in turn, are associated with creativity, which is important for manifesting oneself in disciplines where there is a lot of communication.

Don’t go cheap! How to look expensive on a limited budget?

When your budget is limited, it becomes more difficult to keep up with fashion, but it’s also more exciting. It is not for nothing that they say: “Guess how clever you are”. Even those representatives of the fair sex who have a very limited budget can look stylish and expensive. How? – Let’s figure it out!

Stylists with experience have developed special techniques, allowing fashionistas to present mass-market closet items, as outfits from an expensive boutique. No, we are not talking about deception, everything is much simpler and more prosaic. You treat your clothes with care, surround them with care and attention, and they respond in kind – they serve you for a long time, pleasing the eye with a flawless appearance. In addition, you get products that always look winning. But first things first. If organizing your college life feels too overwhelming, don’t hesitate to visit They provide unbeatable quality services that guarantee results every time.

Follow the instructions

Have you ever noticed that every single thing in your closet has a manufacturer’s label with all the instructions for its use: washing, ironing, storage principles? Do you follow it? – But following these simple rules will help maintain a neat appearance of things for as long as possible. Thus, to keep your favorite knitted sweater in color and size, it is recommended to wash it in a gentle automatic machine or by hand at a water temperature of no more than 60 degrees. Dry only on a horizontal surface, avoiding close contact with heating devices. And finally, it is preferable to store knitwear in a cool, dark place. And what is not recommended is to keep them on the hangers in the closet, otherwise, it is possible the occurrence of deformations. You don’t want your sweater to lose its shape, do you?

Be wary of fashion fakes

Mass-market brands often sin with knockoffs of hits of the fashion runway. And then girls and women are faced with a dilemma, whether to succumb to the temptation, buying a “fashionable thing” for a few pennies? – It seems that each case should be approached individually. Remember, even Kate Middleton gladly wears things from Zara. And the fashion critics with experience in this matter are more categorical. In their opinion, it is inadmissible to wear fakes under any circumstances. It is argued by the fact that in the trend with plagiarism, you still will not get, the thing itself will not last long, and, therefore, the money will be spent in vain. Do you think so too?

Raise the fashionable level

Every image should have its own highlight. On the role of the main accent of the outfit, it is best to determine the accessory. So, an interesting medium-width belt will be a great addition to a lengthened jacket or cardigan. Bright neon shoes will raise the image with a simple plain dress to several fashionable levels, and a simple colored clutch will add stylish notes to the outfit consisting of jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Experiment! When an image has a twist, it ends up looking stylish and unconventional. And that’s just what we need.

Use the services of tailors

Sometimes the most fashionable and expensive thing sits on the figure of a fashionista as cheap bad taste. This is the case when a girl or woman has non-standard proportions of the body. Small manipulations by the tailor will allow correcting the clothes according to the figure, achieving at the same time an unsurpassed result. You can’t even imagine how it changes the overall impression of the outfit, sitting on the fashionable woman as a fit! And you need only to shorten the skirt under the growth of a fashionista, tighten the dress or blouse, and narrow your pants at the hips. Try it and you will see for yourself! If you want to save on the cost of services, enroll in a sewing course, they will serve you well in the future.

Wear colored shoes

Of course, black shoes are the must-have of today, they are appropriate everywhere and in any environment. But if you put them on par with sophisticated colored shoes, they lose to them in uncommon ways. If it seems to you that in view of the small variety of colors in your closet, the last looks too boring, plan to buy blue, red, and orange shoes. Colored shoes always look expensive, regardless of belonging to a particular brand. By the way, mass-market shoes are not as bad as they are “painted”. For the durability and elegance of models, some models can compete with luxury options. Proven by many fashionistas on personal experience.

Fall in love with white things

Yes, they are absolutely impractical, but they look great! A white total bow grabs the attention of others and makes them look back. It absolutely does not matter what exactly in the white color you chose – a dress, a denim jacket, or a coat. The effect will be equally excellent. And all because the total white closet items have a special sophistication and even a Parisian chic.

And the last tip – go in for sports! A royal posture and a toned body will present anything at the proper level, you can not even doubt it.