Las Vegas Apparel more than doubled both exhibitor and buyer numbers at its second semi-annual edition, Feb. 12-14 at the Expo at World Market Center Las Vegas, surpassing expectations and continuing the upward trajectory of International Market Centers (IMC’s) western-based apparel buying event.
“We were thrilled to welcome so many new buyers and exhibitors to the market to continue spring sourcing,” said Caron Stover, IMC senior vice president, apparel. “The growth of Las Vegas Apparel is not slowing down and we will continue to add more to Las Vegas Fashion Week again in August.”
IMC reported attendees from 45 states and Puerto Rico, with retailers hailing high percentages coming from the West and Midwest. The market’s international attendance also grew considerably with visitors from nine countries.
Growth across exhibits expected to continue
Las Vegas Apparel’s second semi-annual edition offered more than 85 brands – nearly tripling in size from the first market in August 2021. Exhibitors and buyers reported opportunities to further establish business relationships as well as larger order sizes.
First-time exhibitor Kenzie Brewer, owner of Lauren Kenzie Jewelry in Huntsville, Ala., said “At Las Vegas Apparel we only got large quality orders, which was amazing. We feel confident in the buying power of the retailers we wrote with and look forward to building those relationships and fulfilling reorders. We have been in business just shy of five years and wrote our largest order to date at this Las Vegas Apparel market. It’s been a great show and we will be back.”
Retailer Jenna Jackson, owner of JJ Chic Boutique in Denver, Colo. visited during Las Vegas Apparel’s first market and came back to see her favorite brands.
“Las Vegas Apparel has all of my favorite exhibitors like GiGio, White Birch and Adora, and we were able to shop with lots of personal attention here,” said Jackson. “We found our spring inventory and we can’t wait to come back in August.”
Las Vegas Apparel’s growth is expected to continue for the August market, with particular expansion in women’s apparel, accessories, shoes and curated cash and carry. Las Vegas Apparel’s staging at the Expo at World Market Center allows for additional overlap with gift and accessory showrooms in World Market Center, offering an opportunity for buyers to shop a wider variety of categories outside of apparel.
Las Vegas Apparel Extends Southern Hospitality to West Coast
The positive energy and momentum at the market were reminiscent of IMC’s hallmark Atlanta Apparel amenities and events. Las Vegas Apparel featured well-received buyer events such as the at-capacity Las Vegas Apparel party for the “Big Game” and the Jonesy Wood Permanent Jewelry Station, along with daily happy hours, complimentary breakfast and lunch.
“The show had an amazing atmosphere. It was very well put together and the energy was so positive amongst buyers and brands that attended,” said Joe Song of GLAM. “LVA is already on its way to become a prime time venue in Las Vegas and it was only their second show.”
Retailer Lisa Raulie of Sparkles & Lace Boutique in Colorado Springs, Colo. appreciated the market environment and added benefits.
“The market has grown so much,” said Raulie. “We love how classy everything is here from the décor to the foods to the drinks. The atmosphere is beautiful and we will be back in August!”
“Las Vegas Apparel is just getting started, and we can’t wait to continue growing as a Las Vegas Fashion Week destination while bringing the Southern hospitality to Vegas,” added Stover.
The next Las Vegas Apparel will be held Aug. 7-9 at the Expo at World Market Center Las Vegas.
Las Vegas Apparel Posts Record Gains for Second Semi-Annual Edition