Welcome to Style Diaries, a series where we research the physical manifestations of our closet tours IRL. We’re asking friends and tastemakers to show us what they’re *actually* wearing during the week and to provide a little insight into their thoughts on the current state of fashion. This week, we follow along with OG street style star and founder of knitwear label JoosTricot Natalie Joos as she cycles through work, apartment hunting, and Sunday trips to the farmers market.
What role does fashion play in your life? How does it serve you?
“I have worked in the fashion industry for over 25 years, so at this point, one could say I live and breathe it. I create fashion. I wear fashion. I love fashion. It supports or elevates my mood.”
Look 1: Apartment Hunting
“I always mix high and low, vintage and contemporary. I like the idea of clashing while maintaining the preppy vibe. I haven’t worn the Ralph Lauren shirt in ages—or ever tbh—and it goes perfectly with our new smiley vest.”
Shop the Look:
What does your style look like these days? Do you have a go-to outfit formula or do you prefer to switch it up when getting dressed?
“I am all over the place really. I still love color and vintage—those are given elements. Today, I am wearing bootcut jeans with cowboy boots, a Joos smiley vest, and a Ralph Lauren plaid shirt. Yesterday, I wore a pretty lime-green vintage dress with Tory Burch Sports sandals. I have so much clothing that I try to look for new things in my closet all the time. I rarely create the same look twice.”
Look 2: Sunday at the Farmers Market
“On Sundays, I take my dog to the farmers market on Melrose Place. I get all the vegetables I need for the whole week and cook a new meal every night of the week. It’s an exciting new routine I adopted during the pandemic. I was never a fan of cooking, but now I can’t wait to get home and prepare my food. I also went plant-based, besides the one piece of fish a week (and goat cheese).
“This is a knit pant and jacket set, worn with Gucci slingbacks and a vintage floral shirt. Again, I just wanted a little pop of vintage. This suit is super cute; I am very proud of how the pants fit.”
Shop the Look:
What energy are you bringing to your ensembles this season? What are you looking forward to wearing?
“I definitely want to show some edge. I’ve always mixed high and low, so I look forward to wearing the cool with the sweet.”
Look 3: Werk Werk Werk
“Our office gets a little chilly, so we have to wear warm clothes. But I still want to look and feel like I made an effort, so I rarely show up to the office in casual clothing. The color combination is fire. Green and pink and black…”
Shop the Look:
In terms of beauty, what does your go-to hair and makeup routine look like, and how does that change based on what you’re wearing?
“My hair routine is super minimal. I have curly hair so there’s very little one can achieve as far as ‘looks.’ It’s curls worn up or curls worn down. That’s about it. Beauty-wise, I am pretty regimented. Face soap, toner, serum, eye cream, moisturizer. Twice a day. I wear very little makeup. Just a lip and mascara. I recently bartered with our makeup artist to teach me how to apply an actual face! As in foundation, primer, concealer, cat eye, etc. It’s something I will be trying more often at night.”
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